Working with Buyers


The real estate industry is very fast and competitive. In order to ensure that your client does not get snatched by other agents out there, it's important to make your clients feel special at all times.

Surely, you want your buyers to contact you and go to you for their real estate needs, and even refer you to their friends and family. In order to accomplish this, you must see to it that each buyer you work with is a happy customer.

It's pretty obvious that the best real estate agents have mastered soft skills and are able to retain their clients by establishing a solid and long-lasting relationship with them. Keeping them in the know, building rapport, and making sure that their problems and issues are taken care of is extremely essential in keeping them satisfied.

I am certain that you already know all of these practices. The question is, are you applying them?

In order to help you, here are 7 real estate tips you can use to make your buyers feel special and keep them close.

1) Educate Them on the Entire Process of Buying A Home

real estate agent handling documents to homebuyer

Searching for a home and purchasing one can be very tiring and demanding, especially for first-time buyers. As an agent, take initiative and ease your clients' burdens by telling them what they should know and what they should expect. Educate them and carefully guide them through the entire process of buying a home.

Walk them through all of the forms and documents they'll have to sign. Inform them of the importance of timing, especially on how quickly they can miss out on an opportunity to purchase a home and the amount of time it will take to find a right one all over again.

When your clients are well-informed and are knowledgeable of all the processes, timelines, and documents, they'll feel more relaxed knowing they're being handled properly by their agent.

2) Know Them Personally

real estate agent initial meeting with homebuyers

When dealing with customers, it is extremely essential that you get to know them on a deeper level and connect with them personally. Knowing them would not only allow you to establish a relationship with them, it would also help you identify the right home for them.

However, building a relationship with your client should not be limited within the confines of finding listings which suits their needs. Treat your customers as real people, not just mere transactions.

Ask them questions in a friendly, conversational way. Get to know their interests, their lifestyles, and even meet any other family members who may be involved in the transaction.

Tell them about yourself and try to find similarities in your interests and passions. Showing them kindness and attention which exceeds the boundaries of the transaction would make them feel special and comfortable.

3) Listen Carefully and Intently

real estate agent listening intently to homebuyer

Asking your client personal questions should be sincere and genuine. Don't just ask them questions for the sake of making conversation. More importantly, pay attention whenever they answer and make sure you understood what they just said.

Clients often look for agents who will listen to them and really understand them. Remember, this is all about them. Make them feel that their demands are being met and that their words are being heard.

Moreover, listen to your customers actively and remember everything they tell you. Be ready to take down notes by having a pen and paper ready during the first few meetings. During future consultations, jot down additional notes, specifically new things you learned about them.

Doing this will allow you to talk to them about things they've told you already, allowing you to establish a personal relationship with them. If your customers see that you know and understand them on a personal level, it will foster your relationship even after closing a deal with them, which could then lead to repeat business and referrals.

4) Make Them Feel That They're Your Only Client


Accommodating several customers demands a huge chunk of your time and requires you to adjust your day accordingly. Clients, however, want each and every ounce of your attention. As selfish at it may sound, clients want you to treat them in such a way that your day revolves around them and that finding them a new home is your utmost priority.

Work around their schedule and ask them what time works best for them. Moreover, never EVER talk to them about coming from an appointment or going to another. Make them feel that your time is theirs and theirs alone.

Furthermore, even after the meeting, show them that your time still revolves around them by answering questions with a sense of urgency. Neutralize their concerns while giving them absolutely no idea that you're working with other clients.

5) Check On Them Regularly


Instead of just making yourself available to them, go the extra mile and ask them if they have any questions or concerns. Send them updates and new listings all the time.

This is an essential part of being an agent because clients have a ton of questions. Buyers want an agent who responds to messages quickly. Moreover, make them feel happier and more secure by reaching out to them and showing them that they're on your mind.

Furthermore, don't let a week go buy without contacting them. Even if there are no updates or developments, check on them to show them that you're still working for them even if the entire home-buying process comes to complete standstill. Reassure them that you have everything under control and that the transaction will continue moving forward.

6) Place Yourself in Their Shoes


Clients are often wary of agents who are only after making money and nothing else. Nobody wants to be handled by an agent whose main priority is satisfying his needs rather than the customer's needs. One of the most important aspects of being a real estate agent is understanding the perspective of the customer at all times.

Keep in mind that you, as the agent, have the responsibility of taking care of everything that the customers needs because they hold the highest stake within the transaction. Close the gap by constantly talking to them and identifying their needs. Even when difficult questions need to be asked, your customers will appreciate the concern you have for them. Showing them that you're helping them based on their needs and not on getting a higher commission will help you earn their trust.

7) Find Ways To Make Things Easier for Them


Searching for a new home can oftentimes be tiring and stressful. Moreover, whenever you have the chance to take something off your clients' plates, grab the opportunity. By doing so, even when the task does not really fall under your job description, it will make your customers feel special through your efforts and dedication to their needs.

For example, if they do not have the time to meet you and take a look at the property, try filming a tour of the house instead. If they're afraid of not being able to make time for moving and organizing their stuff from their old home to their new one, hire a moving and organizing service for them. If they don't know anyone in their new neighborhood, try to introduce them to their neighbors and help them make new friends.

If you go out of your way and attend to your client's needs even after the deal has been closed, they'll appreciate you and will surely want to work with you again and even refer you to their friends.

To conclude, being a real estate agent isn't just about closing deals or handling transactions with clients. A good agent puts the needs of their clients before anything else. It's extremely crucial to establish relationships with your clients before, during, and even after the whole buying process. Failing to do would not only rid you of your current client but could also leave you with no clients at all.

Learn more by watching these real estate coaching videos and check our real estate sales courses here.


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