Offline Marketing for Real Estate Business
Many real estate businesses adapt to the advancements of technology. Although many real estate agents decide to make all marketing efforts online, sometimes, sticking to old techniques is still effective. Offline real estate marketing techniques, when done right, can lead to more leads or can supplement the online presence of a realtor. Real estate agents must know how to balance online and offline marketing to maximize its benefits.
What is Offline Marketing?
"Offline" is a term used when media channels are not connected to the triple W (World Wide Web). Offline marketing refers to any promotional practice that is done via offline media. The most common offline media channels are television ads, billboards, telemarketing, and printed media. Before the internet era, businesses heavily rely on these kinds of advertisements to inform the public about their brand, including the products and services they offer.
Why is Offline Marketing Still Essential?
Even if most real estate agents prefer to focus online, offline marketing is still crucial to establish relationships within their local area. It builds loyalty among customers or clients within the vicinity to avail their real estate services with a beautiful opportunity. It adds value to their business when people, especially clients, have a tangible connection, even with a piece of paper like a flyer or business card.
Although offline marketing is costly compared to online ones, it should not be left behind when discussing marketing strategies. As a real estate business, they must consider who they are trying to reach by finding out their target demographics, whether new or existing services offering, to determine what media channels to use.
How to Integrate Offline and Online Marketing Strategies?
For example, a real estate agent wants to practice his profession and focuses on Virginia Beach. He currently got his license and is new to the real estate industry. He wants to introduce himself to the public and assist them in buying or selling homes in the Virginia Beach area. So, he created a website for his new real estate business. However, there was no one visiting his website where all his listings were posted. As a result, no leads and no sales. So, he set aside some budget for billboards towering over the main roads where many people can see. The billboard has a catchy message with his contact information in it – contact number and website address. Over time, he keeps receiving calls asking for his assistance. His website traffic increased, generating more leads, and today, he has a team working together, producing revenues more than ever.
The principle applied here is using an offline marketing strategy to amplify online efforts (or vice versa) by making the company's website known. The collaboration of offline and online marketing strategies is essential in growing a business, but they must be consistent with their brand to build familiarity with potential customers.
Offline Marketing Strategies
Build Network
Building a solid network is vital to the success of real estate agents since it can help generate qualified leads. They can connect with professionals in the same industry by joining meetings, events, and the association of realtors to meet potential mentors to improve professional growth. They can also join local charities and be a volunteer. It expands their circle with an exchange of business information.
Brand Awareness
Since everyone is unique, there may be individuals who are not so fond of using the internet. Infusing offline media into a company's marketing strategy can help reach out to potential clients who may not be in front of their computers or phones 24/7. These individuals who are inactively using social media platforms can still know about themselves and their business because of exposure to offline ads. Moreover, they will have repeated brand exposure giving a better retainment in people's minds.
Be Creative
There are many ways to make effective ad campaigns, but the primary purpose of offline marketing is to increase online traffic, sales and profits.
Direct Mail
Direct mail or "snail mail" is one of the most common offline marketing campaigns. It is suitable for a long-term strategy that is cost-effective in reaching a new audience. Marketers usually purchase mailing lists based on demographic data of people most likely to avail the products or services they offer.
Business Cards
Well-made business cards with a unique design set their business apart from others. It is an effective way to get their business out there. The business card represents the agent and the business, and so, it requires a professional, sleek design that reflects brand values and creativity.
Consistency is helpful, so stick to the same logo, font style, and theme colors. If they can coincide these details with their website or other marketing materials, the better. It helps to instill in potential clients' minds when they see the logo or colors. They will remember a particular real estate agent or company.
If they are finding ways to make their business cards stand out, they can change the orientation. Most business owners use landscape layouts for their business cards. They can change it to portrait if that represents their personality more and to be unique, although they can still design it horizontally if they prefer to do so. They can also use colored cardboard papers instead of the usual white ones.
Brochures and Flyers
Giving away brochures and flyers is rampant in various events. It sounds old and boring technique, but it does not mean they are ineffective. Handing out this paraphernalia during trade shows can get results in gaining some visibility within the locality.
Innovate the ancient tactic with modern classic design beyond the standard template. They can create informative infographics that are practical to read so that the receivers keep and save them. Make sure contact information is printed clearly.
Text messaging sounds irrelevant today because of online instant messaging, but it can still serve as a means of promotion. Local real estate agents can target an audience in their list but only limited. Their messages are unlikely to get spammed in a large pool of statements like what usually happens in email.
Using cold calling can also help to contact individuals to offer the products or services of the business. Agents can also text or call to inform people or send notifications for new posts on their website, inviting more subscribers and increasing client-agent relationship engagement.
No matter what kind of marketing initiatives a real estate agent does, it must align with the overall business plans. They have to ensure that whatever they do, supports their primary goal. They have to keep track of their implementation and assess what works to have cost-effective marketing methods.